Commit 726a5f4d authored by 王玉鑫's avatar 王玉鑫

feat: 载体、土地详情入驻要求

parent b0989dac
import type { Infos } from '@/components/detail/DetailInfo.vue';
import type { DevelopZoneDetailResp } from '@/types/api/developZoneDetail';
import type { IndustrialParkDetailResp } from '@/types/api/industrialParkDetail';
import { computed, type Ref } from 'vue';
import { computed, type ComputedRef } from 'vue';
type Detail = (IndustrialParkDetailResp | DevelopZoneDetailResp) & {
export interface JoinRequiredParams {
[index: string]: any;
// 开发区产业园名称不一样
/** 禁限目录 */
prohibitedDirectory?: string;
/** 禁限目录 */
prohibitDirectory?: string;
/** 环评要求 */
environmentalEquirements?: string;
/** 总投资额 */
investmentAmountTotal: number;
/** 亩均投资强度 */
investmentStrength: string;
/** 亩均税收 */
taxationStrength: string;
/** 能评要求 */
valueAddedEnergy: string;
/** 亩均年产值 */
averageOutputValue: string;
/** 建设周期 */
buildingPeriod: number;
* 详情页入驻要求, 开发区、产业园
* 详情页入驻要求, 开发区、产业园, 土地,载体
* @param {boolean} isFilter 是否过滤环评要求和禁限目录(土地、载体)
export function useJoinRequired<T extends Detail>(detail: Ref<T | null>) {
export function useJoinRequired<T extends JoinRequiredParams>(
detail: ComputedRef<T | null>,
isFilter = false,
) {
/** 入驻要求 */
const joinRequired = computed(() => {
if (detail.value) {
......@@ -64,20 +83,24 @@ export function useJoinRequired<T extends Detail>(detail: Ref<T | null>) {
unit: 'tce/万元',
name: '环评要求',
value: environmentalEquirements,
oneline: true,
name: '禁限目录',
value: prohibitedDirectory || prohibitDirectory || '',
oneline: true,
? []
: [
name: '环评要求',
value: environmentalEquirements || '',
oneline: true,
name: '禁限目录',
value: prohibitedDirectory || prohibitDirectory || '',
oneline: true,
return result;
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ const IndustrialParkDetail = () => import('@/views/industrial-park/IndustrialPar
const DevelopZoneDetail = () => import('@/views/develop/DevelopZoneDetail.vue');
/** 土地详情 */
const LandDetail = () => import('@/views/land/LandDetail.vue');
/** 载体详情 */
const CarrierDetail = () => import('@/views/carrier/CarrierDetail.vue');
export const enum RouteName {
home = 'home',
......@@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ export const enum RouteName {
developZoneDetail = 'develop-zone-detail',
/** 土地详情 */
landDetail = 'land-detail',
/** 载体详情 */
carrierDetail = 'carrier-detail',
function gen(name: RouteName) {
......@@ -175,6 +179,11 @@ const routes: readonly RouteRecordRaw[] = [
component: LandDetail,
// 开发区详情
component: CarrierDetail,
path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*',
redirect: '/',
......@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ export enum RequestUrl {
landList = '/lyy/api/land/v1.0/page',
/** 土地详情 */
landDetail = '/lyy/api/land/v1.0/detail',
/** 载体详情 */
carrierDetail = '/lyy/api/carrier/v1.0/detail/',
* 载体详情
export interface CarrierDetailResp {
/** 建筑面积 */
area: number;
/** 产业园信息 / 入住要求 */
carrierParkVo: {
/** 详细地址 */
address: string;
/** 亩均产值(单位:万/亩) */
averageOutputValue: string;
/** 建设周期(月) */
buildingPeriod: number;
/** 城市code */
cityCode: string;
/** 城市 */
cityName: string;
/** 联系人 */
contactPerson: string;
/** 占地面积(单位:亩) */
coverArea: number;
/** 主键id */
id: number;
/** 图片 */
imgUrl: string;
/** 总投资额(亿元) */
investmentAmountTotal: number;
/** 招商方向 */
investmentDetails: string[];
/** 投资强度(单位:万/亩) */
investmentStrength: string;
/** 纬度(坐标系gcj02) */
latitude: number;
/** 园区级别名称 */
levelName: string;
/** 经度(坐标系gcj02) */
longitude: number;
/** 载体名称 */
name: string;
/** 省份code */
provinceCode: string;
/** 省份 */
provinceName: string;
/** 区/县code */
regionCode: string;
/** 区/县 */
regionName: string;
/** 税收强度(单位:万/亩) */
taxationStrength: string;
/** 能评要求(单位:tce/万元) */
valueAddedEnergy: string;
/** 柱距(m) */
distance: number;
/** 电梯类型 */
elevatorType: string;
/** 消防等级 */
fireProtectionLevel: string;
/** 耐火等级 */
fireResistant: string;
/** 层高(m) */
floorHigh: number;
/** 层数 */
floorNumber: number;
/** 主键id */
id: number;
/** 轮播图 */
imgUrls: string[];
/** 招商信息 */
investmentDetails: {
/** 招商类型 */
code: number;
/** 招商类型名称 */
codeName: string;
/** 招商详情 */
details: string;
/** 用户解锁额度剩余次数 */
limitNum: number;
/** 载体名称 */
name: string;
/** 单层面积(㎡) */
singleArea: number;
/** 建筑结构 */
structure: string;
/** 类型 */
type: string;
/** 轮播视频 */
videoUrlList: {
/** */
videoCover: string;
/** */
videourl: string;
/** 承重(单位:kg/㎡) */
weight: number;
<!-- 载体 -->
<div v-if="detail" class="main-width mx-auto py-5">
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div class="space-y-4">
<DetailInfoCell title="载体详情">
<!-- <DetailInfo :infos="industryBase"></DetailInfo> -->
<DetailInfoCell title="入驻要求">
<DetailInfo :infos="joinRequired"></DetailInfo>
<DetailInfoCell title="配套设施"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="所属产业园"></DetailInfoCell>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import DetailInfo from '@/components/detail/DetailInfo.vue';
import DetailInfoCell from '@/components/detail/DetailInfoCell.vue';
import DetailMain from '@/components/detail/DetailMain.vue';
import { useDetail } from '@/composable/useDetail.ts';
import { useJoinRequired } from '@/composable/useJoinRequired.ts';
import { RequestUrl } from '@/types/api.ts';
import type { CarrierDetailResp } from '@/types/api/carrierDetail';
import { computed } from 'vue';
const { detail, initDetail } = useDetail<CarrierDetailResp>(RequestUrl.industrialParkDetal);
const { joinRequired } = useJoinRequired(
computed(() => {
if (detail.value) {
return {
} else {
return null;
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import type { Enterprise, Policy } from '@/types/common';
import { useJoinRequired } from '@/composable/useJoinRequired.ts';
const { detail, initDetail } = useDetail<DevelopZoneDetailResp>(RequestUrl.developZoneDetail);
const { joinRequired } = useJoinRequired<DevelopZoneDetailResp>(detail);
const { joinRequired } = useJoinRequired<DevelopZoneDetailResp>(computed(() => detail.value));
/** 重点企业 */
const [importantEnterpriseIndex, importantEnterpriseTabs, importantEnterprise] =
......@@ -77,12 +77,9 @@ import type { Policy } from '@/types/common';
import { computed } from 'vue';
import DetailInfoTab from '@/components/detail/DetailInfoTab.vue';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { detail, detailId, initDetail } = useDetail<IndustrialParkDetailResp>(
const { detail, initDetail } = useDetail<IndustrialParkDetailResp>(RequestUrl.industrialParkDetal);
const { joinRequired } = useJoinRequired<IndustrialParkDetailResp>(detail);
const { joinRequired } = useJoinRequired<IndustrialParkDetailResp>(computed(() => detail.value));
/** 产业政策 */
const [industryPolicyIndex, industryPolicyTabs, industryPolicy] = useInfoTab<Policy>(
({ name, content }) => {
<!-- 土地详情 -->
<div v-if="detail">
<div v-if="detail" class="main-width mx-auto py-5">
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div class="space-y-4">
<DetailInfoCell title="土地现状"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="土地现状">
<div class="font-yahei text-xs leading-5 text-[#1A1A1A]">
{{ detail.landStatus }}
<DetailInfoCell title="地块信息"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="入驻要求"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="周边配套"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="入驻要求">
<DetailInfo :infos="joinRequired"></DetailInfo>
<DetailInfoCell title="周边配套"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="所属开发区"></DetailInfoCell>
......@@ -18,13 +23,28 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import DetailInfoCell from '@/components/detail/DetailInfoCell.vue';
import DetailInfo from '@/components/detail/DetailInfo.vue';
import DetailMain from '@/components/detail/DetailMain.vue';
import { useDetail } from '@/composable/useDetail.ts';
import { useJoinRequired } from '@/composable/useJoinRequired.ts';
import { RequestUrl } from '@/types/api.ts';
import type { LandDetailResp } from '@/types/api/landDetail';
import { computed } from 'vue';
const { detail, initDetail } = useDetail<LandDetailResp>(RequestUrl.landDetail);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { detail, detailId, initDetail } = useDetail<LandDetailResp>(RequestUrl.landDetail);
const { joinRequired } = useJoinRequired(
computed(() => {
if (detail.value) {
return {
} as any;
} else {
return null;
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