Commit 14b6aa3a authored by 王玉鑫's avatar 王玉鑫

feat: 开发区详情,要素成本展示

parent 684997b9
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export {}
declare module 'vue' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
CommonHeader: typeof import('./src/components/common/CommonHeader.vue')['default']
DetailInfo: typeof import('./src/components/detail/DetailInfo.vue')['default']
DetailInfoCell: typeof import('./src/components/detail/DetailInfoCell.vue')['default']
DetailMain: typeof import('./src/components/detail/DetailMain.vue')['default']
ElButton: typeof import('element-plus/es')['ElButton']
<div v-if="infos.length > 0">
<div v-for="(line, index) of infos" :key="index" class="min-h-10 flex">
<div v-for="col in line" :key="" class="flex flex-1 text-xs text-[#1A1A1A]">
<div class="flex w-[160px] items-center bg-[#FAFAFC] px-[30px] py-[10px] leading-5">
{{ }}
class="flex items-center px-[30px] py-[10px] leading-5 outline outline-1 outline-[#FAFAFC]"
:class="line.length > 1 || !col.oneline ? 'w-[303px]' : 'flex-1'"
{{ handleValue(col) }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { haveValue } from '@/utils/filters.ts';
export interface Info {
name: string;
value: string | number;
unit?: string;
/** 是否独占一行 */
oneline?: boolean;
export type Infos = Info[][] | [];
infos: Infos;
infos: () => [],
const handleValue = (col: Info) => {
const { value, unit = '' } = col;
return haveValue(value) ? value.toString() + unit : '';
<!-- 详情页下方信息块 -->
<section class="bg-white p-4 shadow">
<h2 v-if="title">{{ title }}</h2>
<section class="bg-white">
<h2 v-if="title" class="flex h-8 items-center">
<div class="h-[18px] w-[3px] rounded-[30px] bg-[#C0322B]"></div>
<div class="ml-[13px] font-yahei text-xl font-bold leading-8 tracking-[2px] text-[#1A1A1A]">
{{ title }}
<div v-if="toListText" class="flex justify-end text-xs" @click="handleToList">更多</div>
<div class="mt-5">
import type { AuthStatus } from '../enum';
* 开发区详情
export interface DevelopZoneDetailResp {
/** 详细地址 */
address: string;
/** 亩均年产值(单位:万/亩) */
averageOutputValue: string;
/** 投资周期(月) */
buildingPeriod: number;
/** 市code */
cityCode: string;
/** 市 */
cityName: string;
/** 招商对接人 */
contactPerson: string;
/** 联系电话 */
contactPhone: string;
/** 开发区简介 */
description: string;
/** 重点企业详情 */
enterpriseList: string[];
/** 环评要求 */
environmentalEquirements: string;
/** 产业基金 */
fundList: {
/** 投资方向 */
investmentDirection: string;
/** 基金名称 */
name: string;
/** 基金规模(亿元) */
scale: string;
/** 供暖单价(元/m³) */
heatingPrice: string;
/** 主键id */
id: number;
/** 轮播图 */
imgUrlList: string[];
/** 工业用电(元/㎡/天) */
industrialElectricity: string;
/** 工业用水单价(元/吨) */
industrialWaterPrice: string;
/** 总投资额(亿元) */
investmentAmountTotal: number;
/** 招商方向 */
investmentDetails: {
/** 招商类型 */
code: number;
/** 招商类型名称 */
codeName: string;
/** 招商详情 */
details: string;
/** 亩均投资强度(单位:万/亩) */
investmentStrength: string;
/** 人力成本(元/月) */
laborCost: number;
/** 土地成本(万元/亩) */
landCost: number;
/** 土地分页信息 */
landPageList: {
/** 面积(亩) */
area: number;
/** */
cityCode: string;
/** */
cityName: string;
/** id */
id: number;
/** 首屏图片 */
imgUrl: string;
/** */
landType: number;
/** 地块名称 */
name: string;
/** 价格 */
price: number;
/** */
provinceCode: string;
/** */
provinceName: string;
/** */
regionCode: string;
/** */
regionName: string;
/** */
typeName: string;
/** 纬度(坐标系gcj02) */
latitude: number;
/** 开发区级别 */
levelCode: string;
/** 开发区级别名称 */
levelName: string;
/** 经度(坐标系gcj02) */
longitude: number;
/** 开发区名称 */
name: string;
/** 天然气单价(元/m³) */
naturalGasPrice: string;
/** 开发区内产业园列表 */
parkPageList: {
/** 城市code */
cityCode: string;
/** 城市 */
cityName: string;
/** 占地面积(单位:亩) */
coverArea: number;
/** 主键id */
id: number;
/** 图片链接 */
imgUrl: string;
/** 招商方向 */
investmentDirection: [];
/** 园区级别 */
levelCode: string;
/** 园区级别名称 */
levelName: string;
/** 园区名称 */
name: string;
/** 省份code */
provinceCode: string;
/** 省份 */
provinceName: string;
/** 区/县code */
regionCode: string;
/** 区/县 */
regionName: string;
/** 认证状态(1-未认证;2-认证中;3-已认证;4-已拒绝) */
status: AuthStatus;
/** 认证状态名称(1-未认证;2-认证中;3-已认证;4-已拒绝) */
statusName: string;
/** 规划面积(平方公里) */
planArea: number;
/** 产业政策详情 */
policyList: string[];
/** 主导产业 */
primaryIndustry: string;
/** 禁限目录 */
prohibitedDirectory: string;
/** 省code */
provinceCode: string;
/** 省 */
provinceName: string;
/** 区/县code */
regionCode: string;
/** 区/县 */
regionName: string;
/** 污水处理价格(元/吨) */
sewageWaterPrice: number;
/** 污水处理类别 */
sewageWaterType: string;
/** 星级开发区附加信息 */
starObjectExtensionInfoMap: {
/** */
additionalProperties1: {
/** */
coverUrl: string;
/** */
title: string;
/** */
titleIntroduce: string;
/** 蒸汽价格(元/m³) */
steamPrice: string;
/** 变电站级别 */
substationLevel: string[];
/** 亩均税收(单位:万/亩) */
taxationStrength: string;
/** 开发区类型 */
type: string;
/** 能评要求(单位:tce/万元) */
valueAddedEnergy: string;
<!-- 开发区详情 -->
<div v-if="detail">
<div v-if="detail" class="main-width mx-auto py-5">
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div class="space-y-4">
<DetailInfoCell title="开发区简介"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="产业情况"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="基本信息"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="要素成本"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="开发区简介">
<div class="font-yahei text-xs leading-5 text-[#1A1A1A]">
{{ detail.description }}
<DetailInfoCell title="要素成本">
<DetailInfo :infos="requireds"></DetailInfo>
<DetailInfoCell title="入驻要求"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="重点企业"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="产业政策"></DetailInfoCell>
......@@ -23,15 +27,93 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import DetailInfoCell from '@/components/detail/DetailInfoCell.vue';
import DetailInfo, { type Infos } from '@/components/detail/DetailInfo.vue';
import DetailMain from '@/components/detail/DetailMain.vue';
import { useDetail } from '@/composable/useDetail.ts';
import { RequestUrl } from '@/types/api.ts';
import type { DevelopZoneDetailResp } from '@/types/api/developZoneDetail';
import { computed } from 'vue';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { detail, detailId, initDetail } = useDetail<DevelopZoneDetailResp>(
const requireds = computed(() => {
if (detail.value) {
const {
} = detail.value;
const result: Infos = [
name: '土地成本',
value: landCost,
unit: '万元/亩',
name: '人力成本',
value: laborCost,
unit: '元/月',
name: '工业用电',
value: industrialElectricity,
unit: '元/㎡/天',
name: '变电站级别',
value: substationLevel?.join?.(','),
name: '工业用水',
value: industrialWaterPrice,
unit: '元/吨',
name: '污水处理价格',
value: sewageWaterPrice,
unit: '元/吨',
name: '天然气单价',
value: naturalGasPrice,
unit: '元/m³',
name: '蒸汽单价',
value: steamPrice,
unit: '元/m³',
name: '供暧单价',
value: heatingPrice,
unit: '元/m³',
return result;
} else {
return [];
<!-- 产业园详情 -->
<div v-if="detail">
<div v-if="detail" class="p-5">
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div class="space-y-4">
<DetailInfoCell title="产业园简介"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="入驻要求"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="产业园简介">
<div class="font-yahei text-xs leading-5 text-[#1A1A1A]">
{{ detail.description }}
<DetailInfoCell title="入驻要求">
<DetailInfo :infos="[]"></DetailInfo>
<DetailInfoCell title="要素成本"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="产业支持"></DetailInfoCell>
<DetailInfoCell title="产业政策"></DetailInfoCell>
......@@ -20,6 +26,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import DetailInfo from '@/components/detail/DetailInfo.vue';
import DetailInfoCell from '@/components/detail/DetailInfoCell.vue';
import DetailMain from '@/components/detail/DetailMain.vue';
import { useDetail } from '@/composable/useDetail.ts';
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