Commit 3c473eca authored by zhangyanni's avatar zhangyanni


parent 7cafdbad
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ var that = this,imgData="";
addClass(this.sliderContainer, 'sliderContainer_success')
typeof this.onSuccess === 'function' && this.onSuccess()
if(window.isPhone==1) globalMsg.$emit("isPhoneSendCode",true,window.sessionStorage.getItem("isSendWhich"));
else globalMsg.$emit("isSendCode",true);
else globalMsg.$emit("isSendCode",true,window.sessionStorage.getItem("isSendWhich"));
} else {
addClass(this.sliderContainer, 'sliderContainer_fail')
this.text.innerHTML = '再试一次';
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